
Unable to identify what your child’s writing? Want to fine-tune it with a few exercises?

Well, don’t you worry!

There might be a couple of things holding your child back, but we’ve got some step-by-step tips that can help you out!

Because handwriting is not just about putting pencil to paper. It’s multi-tasking!

Math & Science Frontiers

Mr. Cole’s class has started a math unit designed to build number sense.  The emphasis is on understanding how numbers can be made from other numbers: 12 can be made from 6 and 6, from 10 and 2, or from 6, 4, and 2. Being able to take numbers apart and put them back together in different ways forms the basis for a lot of mathematical work that your child will do in the elementary grades.

Students will play games and solve problems in which they break numbers into parts in different ways.  For example, looking at a single pattern of 10 dots, some children see it as 2 groups of 4 with 2 extra.  As they share their ways of thinking, they learn different ways of breaking 10 into parts.