Hybrid Schedule

Let’s give this a try …

I have created a two-week schedule in hopes to help you organize your distance learning day. I’d love to hear if this is useful! Please know that I will add and adapt when students are at school, as I feel that I can provide more intensive in-person lessons. I’d also like to see kids having less screen time while at home. Does this make sense to you? In the end, I truly want to find the best way for families to engage in the first-grade experience!

Hybrid Schedule

September Lessons

Reading Checklist

Math Checklist


Take a Breath …

I want to thank you for helping to ease the transition to a distance learning model. I know that there have been some hiccups, but I feel like we have a good system in place.

Here are some things to remember:

There will be technical issues from time to time and you should know that they will happen on my end as well as yours. In this case, please call the school and dial “0” for the technology hotline. I will do everything in my power to help, but my hands may be full. I apologize if I’m unable to address your problem promptly, but I promise to reach out at some point.

Not everyone is going to be able to move at the same pace. Accomplish what you feel comfortable managing. Some of you are assisting your children across many grade levels. I truly understand the challenge. Don’t worry if you miss out on some of the “extras” that I may offer. For the most part, I want you and your child to find a fun new way to interact and learn.

Finally, I have appreciated your feedback. I’ve tried to make some adjustments and hopefully, you are feeling informed and prepared. From my end, I want you to know that I couldn’t be more pleased. You all deserve a sticker!


My name is Mr. Jeffery (Jeff) Cole and the 2020-2021 school year will be my 23rd as a teacher in St. Charles. I attended Bigfork High School (50 miles north of Grand Rapids, MN) and I am also a graduate of Bemidji State University, with a Master’s Degree from Winona State University. Prior to teaching, I worked as a program assistant at The Headwaters Science Center in Bemidji, MN.

My wife Angela and I have been married for 21 years.  We have two lovely children, Celia Rose (17) & Riley King (14). We also have a 100 lb. yellow lab named Togo. As a family, we love sports, music, books & comics.

When you have the opportunity to visit our classroom, you will get a better sense of my personality and interests. Room 117 is home to the types of unique creatures that have always fascinated me. I enjoy “noodling” on my guitar in class and you can expect that I’ll have your child read voraciously, write & draw … All things that bring me happiness. You may even hear about Mr. Cole growing up in “The Old Days” or his opinions on the quality of cartoons today!

It is very important that your child feels comfortable in our classroom … And getting to know each other is the first step. Here is an image link to a sharing tool that my class used last spring. Do a little exploring and upload your own introduction video!

I’d also like you to be aware that I’m adding parent emails to a number of other tools. I apologize for disruptions this may cause to your inbox. Some items (including Flipgrid) will have available applications that can be downloaded from the Apple and/or Google stores. Feel free to reach out if you have any difficulties.

Thank you for allowing me the chance to introduce myself. I’m very excited to welcome you to our first-grade community!

Hasta Luego,

Mr. Cole


We’ve almost made it!

The upcoming week will be our last for official instruction. You have probably noticed that your daily schedule includes activities for the following week, but that was created before the school made a decision on how to close out the school year. There are no expectations for students to work on those items, but feel free to use them as you see fit. I have cleared our Google sign-up form and have included a couple of special events.

The first is a repeat of last week’s lunch date. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the results! Students were very well-mannered and we had wonderful conversations. There was good student and parent feedback, so I made a promise that we would do it again.

I know that it’s impossible for some to attend a meeting in the middle of the day. So, I thought that I would provide another offering. Let’s see if we can pull off a virtual campfire! I will conduct the meeting in my backyard. Rest assured, there is a backup plan if the weather doesn’t cooperate.  I make no guarantees that it will go smoothly, but my hope is that it will be a nice evening for first-grade families. I also thought we could have a simple SHOW-and-TELL activity. I had a friend that wanted me to see his room when I stopped by last weekend! This might be just as good. Bring along something that you would like to share. It is not necessary, But I’ll make sure that I have something interesting for you!

Finally, you have been provided with a time to return school materials. You will also want to collect your child’s personal belongings on that day. I have plans to be at school this weekend to organize those things for you. I will place a bag in or near your child’s locker. You will get more specific details next week.

Although this will be your final week of instruction, I promise to provide some closure in my next update. Thank you for your patience and support in the closing months of a unique school year.

Google Meetings

Now, let’s discuss our class meetings. After some trial and error, I think we’ve developed a learning environment to best meet the needs of first-graders. Hopefully, I’ve not added too much to your plate. We will continue to schedule the small group sessions. I will always plan for a short mini-lesson. Each weekend, I will clear the Google form that we used this week. You should now have access. You can sign your child up every Sunday night, but please be careful not to delete someone else’s entry. It happens. I think it would be best if only parents use that form. I will change times occasionally to make allowances for the challenges of your workweek. I’m also hoping that this will provide changing student combinations!

In addition, I would like to open up some “free chats” for students/parents. This would be your chance to ask questions or have your child “chit-chat” with the teacher. No lessons! I think we could all benefit from a little more human contact, but it will be optional. I will provide three half-hour windows. Please know that there is no scenario that will work for every family, but I will try to make accommodations when I can.


Distance Learning

Distance learning consists of many components, so we have put together some expectations to prepare your child for second grade. These tools will allow you to introduce skills that your first grader needs. Attached you will find daily routines that we feel are essential.  

  • Raz Kids
    • Read and complete a Raz-Kids quiz each day.
  • IXL
    • Earn one gold medal each day.
  • Math
    • There are two math packets (unit lessons and practice pages).  Begin unit lessons with Chapter 9. The “Reteaching” box is your lesson for each day.
    • Pink practice pages will correspond with each daily lesson.  Complete one lesson per day.
    • For fun, play a dice game of your choice!
  • Reading Lesson
    • Read 15 minutes each day.  Students should read independently and have stories read to them.
    • The hardcover book contains a weekly story.  There is a skills packet that goes along with each story.  Complete 2-3 pages per day to finish the packet by the end of the week.
  • Journal
    • A journal entry is required each day.  You can do this in many different ways!  You can use your monthly journal, journal pages from the reading skills packets, or in your own notebook.  We may ask you to send us a picture of your journal. 
  • Science/ Social Studies
    • Complete an activity from the Science / Social Studies packet every Friday.  YouTube has many great videos on most of these topics. Have fun exploring with your child!

We wish we could be delivering these lessons to your child, but we know that they are in good hands. Enjoy this time with your first grader!

-First Grade Team 

Clasroom Live!

We have established a new normal and I’m sure that you have many questions. You will be receiving a lot of information in the coming days, but I wanted you to know that I’m here to help! I plan to offer Q & A “Live” sessions via Google Meet! Expect invitations in the near future. I’ve also listed classroom contact hours in which you can expect almost immediate feedback. As always, don’t be afraid to reach out outside of those windows! The official contact times will formally begin on Friday, April 3rd.





Choose the time-slot that works best for your family. These times may need to be adjusted, as this is new to all of us.

To request a video meeting, send Mr. Cole a “Remind” message and use the following link:



Preventing Illness (CDC)

The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like the flu. (CDC)